The Friends of the Museums was launched in November 2005; it is an incorporated not-for-profit, charitable organization, with an established Board of Directors, bylaws, and an active schedule of events and activities in support of the Museums of Mississauga.
Friends of the Museums of Mississauga is an enthusiastic volunteer organization that promotes, strengthens and financially supports the Museums of Mississauga. Our mission is to facilitate in the preservation of our Museum Collections, financially augment programming and exhibits; raise awareness through events and sponsorship and channel charitable grants for the Museum.
The Friends were responsible for the award-winning Log Cabin at Bradley Museum project, raising $40,000 through their annual Starlight and Candlelight Galas, as well as an additional $120,000 in cash plus $200,000 in donated goods and services. The Friends have provided significant funding for the conservation of artifacts,
hands-on reproductions for programming, and provide bus subsidies for schools attending programs at the Museums. Membership starts at just $10 a year! Be a good Friend and join us! To become a Friend of the Museums of Mississauga, click here for the application form.
To check out what’s going on see our E-News Newsletters, and the Museums website: Museums
To donate to the Friends, we recommend Canada Helps secure website. Please click here: Donate to Friends
Charitable Registration No. 82229619 RR0001